"I Choose To Change" Challenge
Jiva Fitness is running a FREE TO ALL 4-week challenge to kickstart changing habits.
Big changes are the sum of a lot of little changes. We’re asking you to start with 1-3 small behaviors that you want to change. When you master these items, you’ll be ready for more, but don’t try to do more than you are ready for. We also want you to focus on behaviors or the process, not the result i.e. lose 10lbs. Changing the behaviors can get you to your desired results, but it’s easy to get overly focused on results and abandon positive behavior change when you don’t reach what you want, when you want. Again, keep small changes happening and results will follow in time.
Jiva Fitness is giving away free “I CHOOSE TO CHANGE!” silicon wristbands. You can wear these to keep you mindful of your commitment to change.
Sign up early and reserve your wristband (or feel free to download the form and do it on your own).
Contact us at info@jivafitness.com or